Accommodations for cyclists in Europe

Albergabici-like services in other countries


Services similar to Albergabici exist in many european countries.
Below a list of the best known.
Much more information is available on the EuroVelo website

In Germany and Austria Bett und Bike
In Austria Radtouren offers selected hotels
In Bulgaria and Romania along the river Danube: Danube Veloroute
In the Czech Republic Cykliste Vitani offers hotels and other selected services
In France Accueil Vèlo
In Iceland Fjallahjolaklubburinn
In Luxemburg Bed+bike Luxemburg
In The Netherlands Fietser Welkom
In Switzerland Veloland

FIAB - Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta
Italian Federation Environment and Bicycle

Via Borsieri 4/E, 20159 Milano - c.f. / p.iva 11543050154